Tag Archives: turtles

Troubling Times for Our Turtles

Did you know that it may take 60 years of egg laying for a female turtle just to replace herself!

I just finished editing, and posted a video on YouTube. Glenda Clayton is a very warm and engaging presenter who presented at the Muskoka Watershed Council‘s Muskoka Stewardship Conference.

In 40 minutes you’ll not only be able to identify Muskoka’s turtles by species, but be more apt to help “wheelbarrow” themĀ  across the road.

Assisting a snapping turtle across a roadway. The back-end is the good side.

So, you’re all up to the cottage for the summer, one of the kids finds a turtle and wants to keep it as a pet. No matter how wonderful they may look and how convincing the argument to adopt may be, NEVER, NEVER allow this to happen. With predators as well as cars at every corner, the odds are so stacked against turtles that we need them ALL in the wild reproducing.

So cool! Hard to resist keeping a guy like this as a pet, but please don’t – don’t, don’t, don’t!